In the heart of Plav, in a small mountainous area, lies a monumental feat of human perseverance and togetherness – the Bjelajka irrigation canal, which holds the title of the longest irrigation canal in Europe. This canal, known as the vada, was built in 1958, after three years of hard work and persistent effort by the local population. Without the help of modern machinery, the locals, using their own tools and strength, dug a canal as long as 14 kilometers. This impressive vada is not only a technical feat but also a symbol of the joint work, determination and solidarity of the people of this region.
Called the Bjelajka, the vada serves to irrigate the fertile fields around Plav, allowing the land, which is often faced with dry periods, to remain fertile and productive. The Bjelajka canal represents not only a vital resource for the agriculture of this region, but also a permanent reminder of the strength and ability of the local community to overcome all challenges through unity and work.
In memory of this significant undertaking, and in honor of all those who participated in its construction, a memorial plaque was erected. Today, "Bjelajka" is the pride of Plav and the whole of Montenegro, a testimony of a time and the people who shaped it with their dedication and joint work.
VIDEO : Bjelajka