The Lim River is the largest tributary of the Drina River, with a total length of 219 km, of which 87 km flows through Montenegro. It originates from Lake Plav, and when the Ljuča River, which flows into the lake along with its headwaters, is taken into account, the total length of the Lim from its highest sources to the border with Serbia is 121 km. The Lim dominates the hydrological landscape of northeastern Montenegro, with a catchment area of ​​2,805 km² on its territory. Its average discharge increases downstream: at Plav it is 19.3 m³/s, at Zaton 55.1 m³/s, at Bijelo Polje 65.4 m³/s and at Dobrakovo 71.0 m³/s.
Right tributaries include:
    • Komaračka River (16.5 km) – the largest tributary in the Plav-Gusinj region,
    • Velička River (7 km),
    • Rženička River (4.5 km),
    • Piševska River (4.5 km).
             Left tributaries are:
     • Brezojevički Stream – springs from the higher parts of Visitor,
     • Pepićka River (6 km) – has its source on Visitor,
     • Murinska River (6.5 km) – arises from the Nenova and Dosova Rivers on Visitor.
              After these tributaries, the Lim passes through the 4 km long Sućevo Gorge, carved into the Triassic limestone between Rasojevićka Glava (1,601 m) and Teferič (1,557 m). Downstream, the Lim valley widens into the Berane basin, where it is joined by larger right tributaries:
     • Šekularska rijeka (15.5 km),
     • Kaludarska rijeka (19 km),
     • Brnjica (7 km),
     • Dapsićka rijeka (13.5 km).
              The Lim is not just a natural watercourse; its speed, wealth of resources and cultural significance make it a symbol of the connection between the peoples and cultures of the Balkans. The river flows through Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, before flowing into the Drina, carrying with it the traditions, customs and stories of the peoples it passes through...


          VIDEO : RIVER LIM