In Plav, close to the city center, there is "Zuferov Mlin", the only remaining watermill (watermill) that still works in the traditional way, powered by water.

This mill, more than a century old, was once known as Redžepagića vodženica, and later as Rustem Purova vodženica.

Located about a hundred meters from the heart of Plav, the mill has been owned by four families throughout its long history and today represents a rare example of the preserved tradition of grinding grain on the water.

Until 1959, one part of the canal was used for grinding corn, while the other part served as a woolen mill, where wool was processed.

In the same year, two millstones were installed for grinding grain, which are still in operation today. In the past, both stones were moved by water, while today one stone is moved by water and the other by electricity.

The water that drives the millstone comes from the Plavska river via a channel about 600 meters long. The current interior and the inside of the guideway date from 1959, when both millstones were brought from Kosovska Mitrovica, where they were produced.

Although each village in Plav used to have several water mills, "Zuferov Mlin" worked at full capacity from 1959 until the end of the 1980s, often 24 hours a day.

People brought grain using horses, and because of the large quantities of corn that arrived at the mill, they often had to wait several days to receive their flour. Although today the production of corn in this area is significantly smaller, the mill has kept the traditional way of grinding corn and producing corn flour, which makes it unique.

Today's name "Zufer's Mill" was given to the mill by its then owner Zufer, who tragically lost his life trying to provide a sufficient amount of water to move the millstone, when he fell into the river.

He left a great legacy to his heirs, introduced them to the secrets of the trade, and thanks to that, the mill is still working today, preserving a tradition that has lasted for more than a century.